Thursday, December 9, 2010

Oh your fucking God

Alright people who think they know everything about everything, you don't. Especially all you God fearing people who say condoms and birth control aren't natural. Of course they aren't, but neither is the computer you are reading this on, the clothes you are wearing, the car you drive to work, or the building you work in. So you can all just shut the fuck up and let people make their own choices. Just because somebody decides they want to have sex and not have a baby doesn't mean they don't love God or the person they are having sex with, it just means they don't want a baby and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. What if the mother and baby would die because the mom's body can't handle the stress of carrying a child? Should she just not have sex her whole life or risk her life for 15 minutes of fun and love? She shouldn't have to make that choice just because her church says it's not right.

This is why I don't do the whole church, organized reliigion, bible thing. It's bullshit. If God is real he doesn't care if you go to church or read the Bible. He cares that you are true to yourself and trust in Him.