Friday, October 17, 2008


You know those times where you feel everything at the same time? Like happy, sad, mad, jealousy, generosity, greed, and all the other feelings any human has ever felt? Like when you want to just scream at the top of your lungs in the middle of everyone, with out anybody hearing? Sometimes it's not even every feeling though, just an odd combination of them. Example: I watched Jeepers Creepers for the first time tonight, but when I saw the scary guy not only was I pretty darn scared, to say in a gentle way, but I found myself smiling and I couldn't help it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're lucky, but you're also missing out on an important human experience. See, even the importance of it is confusing. But what makes us feel this way? We feel our feelings because of certain chemicals released depending on what happens around us. But what would cause all of these chemicals to be released at the same time? I deffinantly don't have the answer, and I would love to meet the person who does.

1 comment:

ashleyy said...


hah i dunno
but durnit i sure do wish i did