Tuesday, February 3, 2009

FunFact: Fort Wayne is the 3rd most sexually satisfied city in the United States, Indianapolis is the 1st. Go Indiana.

My New Year's Resolution:
not to be such a whore.

How's it working?
not 100% great.

Why not?
I like sex.

I mean I haven't had any since ohh, New Year's Eve, but I definantly have been planning with quite a few kiddos. Honestly though, I can't help it. I knew the first time I did it I would never be able to stop. As I type, I'm texting two kids who I'm planning on fucking in the near future. The other day my mom came in and was talking to me about how all guys are interested in is sex, and the whole time I was thinking, 1) that's not true, I can think of at least 3 exapmles of guys who aren't, and 2) what if that's all I'm interested in? I mean yea, I really super like a kid right now who i don't want to do anything with yet cause I honestly like him. On the other hand though, get me talking to the right person and I just can't help myself.

1 comment:

ashleyy said...

oh kelsey you know i love you kid but really really really you need to stop. you worry me. if you do this in the end youre only going to get hurt. go with the nonfucking boys kay?